Sunday, October 12, 2008


I realized two things about myself recently:

1) I need failure to bring myself back to the ground and closer to God.
2) Not getting enough sleep is my kryptonite.

The first thing isn't just school related - a lot of things in my life are going kinda haywire right now, but surprisingly, I'm not as stressed as I've been in the past. The reason is probably that I've been praying a lot more (not for a way out, but for God to supply me in these situations), and reading the Bible a lot more. It seriously makes a difference. So in the end, maybe these failures aren't such a bad thing after all. I hurt, but I have faith He'll carry me through.

I'm not sure what to do about the second thing though. If I slept well through the whole night, I'd have a solid 7-8 hours of sleep everyday. The thing is, I think my mind is awake behind my back in my sleep (if that even makes sense). What brings me to such a conclusion? In the past week I've woken up in the middle of thinking about a problem more than once. And it's not that I'm non-functional during the day. It's more like I'm careless and make stupid mistakes/say stupid things, etc...Basically it's like being drunk all the time, but not feeling good. Sigh...only 2 more months (of this semester).

This is a little off topic, but I can't seem to bring myself to submit the rest of my grad school aps. They're all pretty much done and all the info is loaded online, but I know it'll sting to pay the fee. And I don't think I'd even consider going to MIT anymore. I know I wouldn't be happy with two more years of constant intellectual beat downs and weird and/or non-social people. It took me way to long to find people I like at Berkeley. Sigh...only 2 more months (before they're due).

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