This semester is going by way too fast. Normally I wouldn't mind, but it recently hit me that I'm going to be seeing a lot of people that I really like a lot less frequently after this semester. Growing up sucks, and I'm doing everything I can to make the most of my last two months before graduation (Yikes!)
It's been a while since I posted about what's been going on in my life, so I'm going to spit out things I remember in no particular order.
1) I'm going to Europe after graduation! A buddy and I bought tickets to fly into London and come back from Athens. We're kinda winging the itinerary in between the end-points, but we're getting unlimited rail passes for 21 countries in Europe (unless we find an equally safe, but cheaper option). The "plan" is to pass through Paris, cities in Germany, Vienna, and I dunno where else before we end up in Greece. I can finally cross this off my lifetime to-do list, and use the 4 years of German I learned in high school. Exciting.
2) I just came back from Spring Break, and it was the best one I've had throughout college. I worked/chilled with some of my bros earlier in the week, caught up with some high school buds, and went to Tahoe and Reno at the end of the week. Learning how to go downhill on a snowboard (I didn't say "learning how to snowboard" because I'm nowhere near proficient yet) and play craps was cool, but what really made the trip were the people - Julius, Kristine, and Kyle, I love you guys. Highlights:
a) Falling on my @$$, back, knees, etc... There really is something to the whole "you don't learn unless you fall" and "no pain no gain" philosophies.
b) Losing $40 bucks overall. However, factoring all the free drinks and fun I had, I don't feel like I lost that much. Plus, we made friends with a few of the cool dealers. Nancy, Jas, and Kim, you rock.
c) Food: Buffet, Five dollar steak and eggs (so worth the wait), and Fenton's on the way home. Oh baby.
d) Meeting up with my cousins, even though we all were slightly inebriated* each time we saw each other this weekend. You guys are hilarious, from the drunken yelling at the blackjack dealer to the talking to the waitress in a fobby cantonese accent. Nothing beats family.
Link to albumOk. I guess I really only had two things on my mind. But they were two big things, and this is one long post. For me, anyway.
I really need to find some way to slow down time (and a way to slow down on a snowboard).
*actually, you guys were wasted.