Friday, March 25, 2011

3/25/11. Part 2

This is how it's been for the last day and a half. I don't know who got the last half-square, or how they've been wiping their butts. The apartment is out of TP, aside from a backup stash I keep under my bed ;). I only started doing that once THIS happened the third time. Everyone knows where we keep the extra TP, too.

Note: I'm not usually this mean. It's just that I've been buying the TP pretty much regularly for the apartment, and they don't even bother to change the roll once it's out. Plus, they have two friends living here "temporarily," which can mean one week or in the case of one friend, five weeks. At that point I think people should offer to pitch in/be a little considerate around the place, right? Anyway, I think I'll say something - don't worry, I'll be nice - by the end of the week about the whole living situation.

I'll put up a new roll soon. This was just a little experiment.

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