Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3/16/11. :(

I started getting this rash 2 days after camping. No one else in the group got it, so I made an appointment to see a dermatologist and she said it's a rare skin outbreak that happens to like 1/million people who get strep throat or another bacterial infection. It's called Guttate Psoriasis. On the plus side, it's not herpes or anything nasty, and it's not on my face or junk. On the not-so-plus side, it'll take about a month+ to clear up, even with treatment (which involves UV phototherapy/topicals). Yay. Hopefully it's sunny - the doctor recommended tanning  :D

The stupidest thing is that the phototherapy center is at another location in the Stanfurd network, and I have to get diagnosed there again (and repay a copay) in order to get treated. AND the next open appointment is two weeks later. So it'll be about 3 weeks before I get treatment for this stuff. Sigh...I hate bureaucracy. I'll call again tomorrow and see if there's a way around it.


lauren michelle said...

Whoa whoa whoa.. is this blog PG or PG-13? That is a lot of leg, hahahaha.

Ivan said...


Ghyrn Loveness said...

hahahaha! what she said