Tuesday, August 4, 2015

8/4/2015. Time warp.

After a "brief" hiatus, I'm back.

Given that there's some unfinished business in relation to my Asia trip of 2011, I'd like to continue where I left off before inexplicably leaving everyone, including myself, hanging. Who knows...after I'm done documenting that chapter of my life, maybe I'll start covering my current state of life (in a separate blog, perhaps).

One thing I love about blogs is that they're a snapshot of your state of mind, at the moment you decided to begin typing on a keyboard (or for the youngins, tapping on the virtual keyboard of your i-device). Expectedly, however, this is going to be very difficult to achieve with respect to finishing out the Asia trip, given the significant duration of time that's elapsed since I experienced Seoul.

So two options: 1) I can try to get back into my 24-year old head and write from that perspective; or 2) I can write about the remainder of the trip from my current perspective on life, with (hopefully) some evidence of personal growth.

I think I'm going to go with option 1.

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