Wow. I totally just drew a blank.
[2 minutes later]
Ok. I'm back (I remember what I wanted to say).
I started feeling like I was catching a cold, so when I got home from work/school today I boiled a pot of water with a lot of sliced ginger and honey in it. It's my secret Asian remedy for EVERYTHING.
Then I drank it all and peed a lot (you must flush out the germs!). My mom came home (yeah, I still live with my mom), realized I wasn't feeling that well because of the smell of ginger in the house, and was like, "You should try this thing for colds: A whole garlic clove with a spoonful of honey."
Hmm..., I thought. I have to teach at Lawrence Hall of Science tomorrow for one of my classes, and I really don't wanna feel worse tomorrow than I do now. It can't hurt, right?
WRONG. It went down almost as bad as fish liver oil (another thing you should never try), and now my stomach feels like two pirate ships are duking it out inside. The worst thing is that I probably just have to wait it out because I don't feel like yakking or going diarrhea. Great. That's probably too much info already so I'll stop there.
This is random, but here are two things I'm excited for that will happen in less than three weeks:
1) I'm graduating! It's kind of sad at the same time, though, because a lot of people are moving away. I hate goodbyes/seeing people I like less frequently.
2) I'm going to Europe! It's my dream trip from London to Athens. I still have to get some stuff/plan a little. My goal is to pack as light and sleep as little as possible.
I'll end with two bad jokes:
1) Why don't they need employee parking at the Home Depot?
It'd just be overkill with all that handicapped parking.
2) I went out and got Indian food for lunch today...
...Came back with a Slurpee and a Subway sandwich.
It's all in good fun - I hope to offend everybody at least once. I just had to put these down because they've been floating in my head for the last few days...I can't remember if I came up with them myself or if I heard them somewhere. I wouldn't be surprised if someone said them first. Anyway, if you have any [GOOD] Asian jokes I'd be happy to hear them. None of that throwing a fork down the stairs business.
*I wish I came up with the picture/pun for the flying pig. I saw it on a shirt on the news. Thought it was pretty clever.