Friday, April 29, 2011

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4/26/11. Suki!

She looks crazy when she eats her bone! I love this little dog.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

4/24/11. This weekend flew by.

It was pretty relaxing. I went to the Hiller Aviation Museum with a friend, helped another friend move, and then got dinner with them/hot tubbed afterward.

Today Ghyrn and I went flying. This is a picture over Stanford. Lagunita is filled in temporarily to let the salamanders mate. I took a 2 hour nap afterward, went to office hours, and am chillin'/working in some hw now. Have a good rest of the weekend everyone!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

4/21/11. Nurple.

The word of the day is RHYME.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4/20/11. Done!

I tried the green apple n' greens fruit & veggie smoothie at Jamba Juice today. It was an interesting experience. I didn't like it at first, but then it grew on me so I walked back in to figure out which fruits and vegetables were in the smoothie. I usually do this so I can remake the smoothies I like at home for a lot cheaper.

Apples, bananas, peaches, spinach, kale, and cabbage. Blegh.

I don't think I will try to duplicate this one at home. And now I'm having the weirdest smelling farts ever.

I wouldn't put it past me to go back and order this one every once in a while. Don't judge.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4/19/11. Get on with my life.

Done! Dunno if I passed yet, though. I'll probably find out some time tomorrow. Meanwhile, I started working on the T-Shirt design for the conference I'm organizing. Black shirts are cooler.

Monday, April 18, 2011

4/18/11. Done tomorrow!

You guys have no idea how much I love postcards. Even though if they were sent by people who have showered on average about once every 3 days while backpacking  :D

Miss you guys! I wish I was travelling with you too. Stay safe but have an awesome adventure.

And...why do booby statues remind you of me???

Sunday, April 17, 2011

4/17/11. 3 days til i'm done.

Woke up and saw my bottles/glasses making cool patterns on my blinds. Go Bears.

Sprinkles with Julius and Kristine! It was a nice break, and I made a friend with a golden retriever named Tess. 

Dark chocolate marshmallow cupcake. It was good, but it was even better to catch up with these guys a bit. See you soon! I'll be done with this test next time I see you guys  :)

Friday, April 15, 2011

4/15/11. Go.

The word of the day is RED.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

4/14/11. 5 days til i'm done.

I wanna be dancing like this guy.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

4/13/11. 6 days til i'm done

Phil's Treasure Pot. Berkeley-esque food in Menlo Park. Y'all need to come visit so I can take you here.

Cookies and cream fudge and chocolate peanut butter fudge. It's another fat food night.

Yes, still 6 days til I'm done. My last test got pushed to next Tuesday  :(

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

4/12/11. 6 days til i'm done.

Feeling the love. You guys are awesome (you know who you are). Chocolate and fire always help me study better. Got two of my three topic exams tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Monday, April 11, 2011

4/9/11. 7 days til i'm done.

The suit I got fitted for by Crown Tailors came! Fits well, no child labor.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

4/8/11. 8 days til i'm done

Sleep paralysis happened last night. It hasn't happened since undergrad, and I think it's the lack of exercise I've been getting because of studying for this test. I gotta remember to put my health first!

Basically, in sleep paralysis you become conscious during REM sleep, where your body is paralyzed (except for eye movements, apparently). It's pretty scary the first time it happens, but I knew what to expect this time. It only lasted for about 3 minutes (I've had a couple occasions where it lasted longer), but it was hard to fall asleep after. Grogggggyyyyy.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

4/9/11. Nine days til i'm done.

Swim break and studying outside were nice. It's cold now though!

Friday, April 8, 2011

4/8/11. 10 days til i'm done.

Still lookin' up. I realized that most of these pictures are of food I've pigged out on while I'm studying, or something I've taken during the few times I'm outside each day. The countdown to fun begins now.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

4/7/11. Went to market

The word of the day is THREE.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

4/6/11. I hate you cake

You just made it so hard to get the rest of my work done for tonight.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

4/5/11. Missed a day.

Gotta remember to stop every once in a while and LOOK UP.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

4/3/11. Holi!

Pretty fun. It was a nice study break  :) back to campus to work now

Saturday, April 2, 2011

4/2/11. Cereal Time

Cereal in first, milk in second. I got used to eating it with soy milk

Friday, April 1, 2011

4/1/11. April Fools

I am so annoyed right now. My towel is the green one. I want to smack a b****. It wouldn't be so bad if they washed their towels, but effed up, right?