Saturday, October 18, 2008


I think I don't get enough REM sleep during the week, because when I get to sleep in on Saturdays, I have a bunch of really random dreams. I made the mistake of eating before I made a note of these, so I can only remember three of the ones I had last night:

1) My sister Christina won the lottery by choosing 5 of 6 numbers correctly. The ticket was worth 99,870 dollars (weird number). She doesn't bet/waste money in real life, so this dream makes no sense to me. Yeah, I've been thinking about money and how I don't have any right now, but why would my sister win a bunch of money in my dream? Unfortunately, my mind went to dream number 2 before I saw what she did with the money.

2) I had pop-midterms in two of my hard classes next week, on top of unexpected project deadlines and an expected midterm (I actually have a psych midterm next week, but it won't be too bad). This one wasn't too extraordinary, but I woke up freaked out because I felt that I had a bunch of work to do. Then reality set in and I started eating/youtubing.

3) I just forgot dream three, but I have a feeling that it was pretty random too. I'll update this if I remember it or any more of my dreams.

Oh! Fun exciting news. I think I'm going to sign up for a gospel chorus class next semester. I only need 7 units to graduate for my major, but when I talked to registration, they said that I still have to pay full registration fees. Stupid. But now, I guess I can take some fun classes. The only thing is that you have to audition for the class. *Crossing fingers*