Monday, March 31, 2008

Change is bad.

I'm sad. Blingo is no longer powered by Google. It now searches Yahoo, livesearch, and Boo.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2 things

1) I want to build a giant microwave so that anyone who sticks their baby in a microwave will have an appropriate form of punishment.

2) I've been having dreams where I'm running lately. Not from a monster or anything...just running. I don't know where I came from or where I'm going, but I wake up before I get there.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sproul Plaza Freeze

This was one of the cool parts of my day. I found out this was gonna happen from a friend, so I made sure to have my camera today. Just watch. It wasn't as cool as the Grand Central Freeze (no pun intended) in New York, but it was still pretty neat. The song in the background of the video is We Will Become Silhouettes by The Postal Service.

They totally should have gotten the Acapella groups in on it, who'd stop singing at the cue. That would have gotten more attention.

Here is the Grand Central Original for comparison:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

At least they stopped at "edible" opposed to tasty, delicious, or delectable rape. gotta love the local asian grocery store.
"Kids, guess what's for dinner? EDIBLE RAPE!!!'
"Not again..."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I woke up today, and for a couple seconds I didn't know who or where I was. That's happened before and it scared the crap out of me then, but I think it's one of the best feelings now. I think I need some changes in my life.

On a side note, someone said to me "Yo tengo un pregunta," to which I said, "congratulations?" after a short awkward pause. I know what it means now.


I love/hate comcast news. Here's a headline from today: "Woman Sat on Boyfriend's Toilet Seat for 2 Years." The hospital needed to pry it off of her.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Thank God for Good People

I didn't tell that many people because it was a sore spot for a while, but I lost my Ipod a couple months ago. It's not really a big deal, but this was after I broke my camera and I was tight on money at the time, so losing my Ipod made me feel that much worse. I totally gave up on it because I figured someone found it and kept it, but today I got a really nice surprise.

I happened to check one of my email addresses that I never check because it gets a lot of spam, and I saw a message that said, "I found your Ipod." I thought it was spam at first, but I thought, that's a really weird way to send someone a virus or advertise something because how many people lose their Ipods? So I opened the email, and this guy named Even Marcelo said he found my Ipod on the street, that it had been run over by cars, but could still play music. He told me where he found it, which was near where I thought I lost it, so I know it's mine. He even sent a picture of it:

Notice how the LCD screen is cracked? My Ipod is a bad@$$. Anyway, he told me I could pick it up whenever (I dunno where he lives), but I feel kinda weird about that because I'm paranoid. Even though it's some really nice person who didn't keep my Ipod, which now has sentimental value. What's really kind of odd is that he took the effort to get my email address off of my Ipod (I didn't know you could do that, but I did buy it online), so maybe that's the source of my trepidation. I'll probably go with someone so I don't get killed.
Isn't it weird that we're suspicious when people do nice things for us? Still, it's good to know (or hope) that there are good people in this world.