It was always hard for my family to have "together time" so we had this tradition of going out to eat lunch together every Saturday. It's odd because now that I think of it, there was a pretty consistent schedule to our Saturdays, even though we didn't plan anything out. I'd wake up and watch 'One Saturday Morning' (Recess was the bomb) while eating cereal (when I wasn't lactose intolerant), get ready, and then we'd all pile into the minivan. Then we'd take half an hour to decide where to eat because we're all overconsiderate/indecisive. My dad would always be like, "It doesn't matter. You choose," but we all knew that my dad is one of the pickiest people in the universe, and the quality of our time spent together depended on the place we chose to eat at. It usually ended up being at a restaurant somewhere in Oakland Chinatown because my dad would offend waiters/waitresses at non-Asian places with his unintentional racism. It's one of those things that's embarassing then, but funny now (not the racism, but my dad's complete lack of awareness). Plus, Chinatown is generally louder and ruder, so we fit in perfectly. We'd eat, shop for groceries, and then go home, and usually, someone would end up angry.
It's funny because I know that people in your family will drive you crazy if you're around them for too long, but in my family we're lucky if everyone's happy an hour after we've been together. Wanna go on a long road trip with us? Hah. Anyway, my sisters went to college, and I started working weekends, so this Saturday tradition kinda fell through.
Well, I quit my job so it's back.
Anyway, I thought of this because with all of the hell that's raised, some funny things happen/are said on Saturdays that I don't really want to forget. This was this week:
1) -Right as we get into the car:
Mom: I ate a lot of nuts this morning, so I'm not really hungry. I ate a bag of peanuts, half a bag of cashews, and half a bag of almonds.
Channon: You are what you eat.
2)OMG. I found out that our childhood pet rabbit, which I beautifully named Snow White because it was white as, well, snow--that pissed my sisters off so much-- didn't really run away, which is what my mom told us. We were at Petco because my sis had to get stuff for her dogs, and the discussion circled around to our childhood pets. This is what happened:
Me: We actually had a lot of pets growing up
Channon: I know, but they all died.
Me: Like Snow White.
Channon: Didn't she run away?
Mom: I was bad...
Me and Channon: WHATTTTT?!?
So what happened was, the rabbit was getting to be too hard to take care of, so my mom let it go in some park in Concord. And then she told us that it ran away, which, she argued today (15 years later), wasn't completely a lie. I mean, it did hop away from her as she let it go free. But still. Parents are jerks. Especially when they lie to their kids. But i'll probably do it too.
I'll prob post things that happen on Saturday every so often.
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